Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tempt My Tummy Tuesday


Chocolate Mousse

Wikipedia says that mousse is a form of creamy dessert typically made from egg and cream (classically no cream, only egg yolks, egg whites, sugar, and chocolate or other flavorings), usually in combination with other flavors such as chocolate or pureed fruit. Once only a specialty of French restaurants, chocolate mousse entered into American and English home's cuisine in the 1960s. Mousse-like desserts in middle America commonly go under designations like "whip".

Depending on how it is prepared, it can range from light and fluffy to creamy and thick.



* 400g strong dark eating chocolate

* 150g unsalted butter

* 6 eggs

* 6 tbs sugar

* pinch of salt


* Separate the eggs, placing the whites into a roomy bowl.

* Break the chocolate into small pieces and put them in another roomy bowl set over a pan with a centimeter of barely simmering water. Add the butter and allow both to gently melt. Stir occasionally.

* In the meantime, add a pinch of salt to the egg whites and whisk to the soft peak (floppy) stage.

* In a separate bowl, break up the yolks with sugar.

* When the chocolate and butter have melted and have been allowed to cool for a couple of minutes stir in the yolks.

* Cut and fold in the whites in three batches until seamlessly combined. Pour into ramekins and refrigerate for a couple of hours to set.

* Serve with strawberries, raspberries or whipped cream.

 For other delicious recipes go to Tempt My tummy Tuesday.


  1. Your mousse looks wonderful. I have turned my Hubs on to desserts like this, as a child he never had them.

    I can't wait to try this recipe out on him.

  2. Does sound wonderful. I like the idea of using the dark chocolate. Wonderful. Thanks for linking to TMTT.

  3. Oh that looks so yummy! It's been a long time since I've made mousse. Thanks for the reminder, and definitely a recipe I can get behind. Yum!

  4. Hey there, thanks so much for coming by! This mousse looks delish!!!! I don't have it much or should I say not often enough!!!

  5. That looks great. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you can find the ingredients and make the poppyseed chicken. It is delicious!

    Oh yes-dont forget to stop by on Friday and play 5 Things Friday with me.

